
开启你的舌尖之旅(Start your tongue journey)

荟享生活用心为您网罗天下美食, 打造高端平台提供优质生活享受,高性价比是我们的诚意,高水准是我们的追求,在荟享生活,会享受生活~ (Enjoy life for your heart to the world food, to create a high-end platform to provide quality life to enjoy, high cost is our sincerity, high standard is our pursuit, in enjoy life, will enjoy life ~)





(Good place to go after dinner)

美美的享受完餐点不知去哪儿消食?荟享生活收集各种花式打卡点,为您送上各种贴心安排! (Do you know where to eat after enjoying your meal? Enjoy life to collect all kinds of fancy punch points for you to send all kinds of intimate arrangements!)

Good beauty

Download our game from google.com. You can choose portable or installer version.

good places

Install the game in your hard drive. The game size is only 2 GB.

Good leisure

Create your own gamedev studio and have fun during building your own 8-bit game!.

Open up your taste buds and take a bite to taste

